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    3. Jiangsu Huachang Chemical Co., Ltd.
       Compound fertilizers
       Industrial sodium carbonate
       Ammonium chloride
       Liquid anhydrous ammonia
       Nitric acid
       Industrial methyl alcohol
       Sodium borohydride

      Industrial methyl alcohol
      Chemical name: Methyl alcohol
      Molecular formula: CH4O
      Molecular weight: 32.04
      Structural formula: CH3OH
      CAS RN: 67-56-1
      Properties: colorless transparent liquid, with a little ethyl alcohol odor. Boiling point 64.51
      Uses: As solvent for coating, varnish, ink, adhesive, alkaloid, cellulose acetate, nitrocellulose, ethyl cellulose, polyvinyl butyral, etc. It also functions as raw material for producing pesticide, medicine, plastic, synthetic fiber and organic chemicals, such as methylamine, formaldehyde, chloroethane, dimethyl sulfate, etc. Packing and transportation: keep in cool, dry and well-ventilated place, to protect from direct sunlight and fire.
      Executive standard: GB 338
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      3. 精品国精品国产自怕拍久国产,伊人大蕉香视频75,久久伊人大相蕉,色偷偷亚洲女人的天堂

