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    3. Jiangsu Huachang Chemical Co., Ltd.
       Compound fertilizers
       Industrial sodium carbonate
       Ammonium chloride
       Liquid anhydrous ammonia
       Nitric acid
       Industrial methyl alcohol
       Sodium borohydride

      Compound fertilizers

      Zhuishijia fertilizers

      Zhuishijia—expert of new nutritional fertilizer
      1. "Multiple nitrogen+high tower" technology
      2. "Microelement+chelating" technology
      3. "Polypeptide+enzyme" technology
      4. "Root promoting factor+soil regulating factor" technology
      5."High utilization rate+multiple absorption" technology

      Feiliantian fertilizers

      Save fertilizer, labor and cost
      1. This product can take advantage of the synergism of inhibitor, longer control time than single inhibitor;
      2. To regulate the proportion of ammonium nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen by taking advantage of inhibitor;
      3. This product can obviously increase effect of phosphorus and extend period of validity of phosphorus;

      Huachang fertilizers

      Quick acting, soluble in water, balanced nutrient, pure potassium sulphate, promote root growth and strengthen seedlings
      Soluble in water
      Balanced nutrient
      Pure potassium sulphate
      Promote root growth and strengthen seedlings

      Jinzi fertilizers

      True love of each granule
      1. This product is rich in ammonium nitrogen.
      2. This product is rich in amidonitrogen
      3. Can design formula according to fertilizer requiring characteristics of crops and nutrient status of soil
      4. The product is smooth and clean, has good solubility, it can increase grain filling rate
      5. Promote root growth and strengthen seedlings

      Fertilizers for special purpose

      Features of "Xinpengyou" fertilizer for corn:
      1. Synchronization of nutrient
      2. Comprehensive nutrition
      3.Slow-release and long time effective
      4. High tower granulation

      Features of "Xindaoguibao" fertilizer for rice:
      1. Synchronization of nutrition
      2. Comprehensive nutrition
      3. Scientific formula
      4. Promote root growth and strengthen seedlings

      Wheat special fertilizer features:
      1. High-efficient controlled-release
      2. Special formula and reasonable match
      3. Specific nutrition
      4. Active organic matter
      5. BSFA, soil moisture conservation


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      3. 精品国精品国产自怕拍久国产,伊人大蕉香视频75,久久伊人大相蕉,色偷偷亚洲女人的天堂

